+27 31 566 8000 summerschool@immedia.co.za

Summer school was a great experience and I would like to share what I have grasped with from it:

Communication is a huge topic. Having a course with communication is a huge boost to your CV. Being an effective communicator helps you solve analytical problems. It can help your company be more profitable and makes you be more productive.

I was introduced to Theolin as my mentor. Here I was introduced into Android development with my primary focus language- Java! He provided me with three projects of which I must choose one. I chose to do the calculator app because math and IT goes in conjunction with each other to work as a software developer.

I watched videos of the introduction to Android Java though already having Java knowledge having previously done the module in my diploma as well as further knowledge that I have learnt in school.

I began my coding in language Java choosing to develop a calculator app. It is really interesting and intriguing growing my knowledge on my journey to becoming a software developer.

I’ve also learnt all about a helpdesk technician position known as a geek. They are assigned tickets that must be resolved. They work on the technical side of IT and it is really interesting how they diagnose or troubleshoot a problem to acquire the desired result.

I worked on the user interface of my app and added colour to my buttons which is a technique my mentor taught me. My app is running and calculates the sum, subtraction, division and multiplication. It also has a button to clear the input strings.

I’ve learnt about contiuous learning and internships from the Devs team Mercury.
They have taught me to keep up with new technology and do online courses in Udemy. The things you will learn in an internship is less intensive as you would learn in university. It is important to do an internship before an entry level position because with entry level you will go directly into production whereas in an internship you would learn.

Theolin coordinated me throughout my approach as to how to tackle each step toward producing my expected result that is building a calculator app! I showcased my running calculator app and it was great answering their questions. Summer school was a great experience for me and I would like to thank the entire team for this exposure.

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