by Emil | Dec 3, 2020
In the end, I managed to create a successful website with a few features, which I was very proud of as it was my first one. I was unable to create the website implementing the Marvel API but will finish it soon. In my opinion, It was a very good week, as I was exposed to a working environment, different people, different platforms, and software.
by Danielle | Nov 9, 2020
So my first day at summer school was exciting as well as informative. The environment at the office was cool and everyone was quite friendly. Kelly taught us some EFFECTIVE communication skills and gave us some tips about how to update our socials...
by Nishal | Jan 9, 2020
Currently, I am working on a Marvel movie website which needs to have a min of 5 web pages. I have been using Visual studio code to create my webpages. I did have a little trouble getting started but I got to adapt to the new...
by Andile | Nov 22, 2019
#day 1 as a Summer Schooler… I was a bit scared and did not know what to expect..and yeah it was nothing like I expected, you not treated as a scholar but you are really introduced to how things are done at the working environment. We were...