+27 31 566 8000 summerschool@immedia.co.za


Day 1  at Summer School kickstarted with a daily stand up meeting and an interesting approach to effective communication. My cool Mentor, Sne(Shoutout :) ), is guiding and teaching me along the way. I’m tasked with the assignment of developing an app using Android Studio. The rest of my day was spent reading, researching and practically using Android Studio to deploy mini-apps on my phone.

Here I am on Day 2, trying to best decide what app to make… I am surrounded by intelligent and cool individuals who make me feel apart of the team here at immedia and geek patrol. I was excited to learn about Headstart and will definitely be applying soon. These programmes are amazing in the way they teach you hands-on skills required in a working environment.

Back to decisions… Stay tuned

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