+27 31 566 8000 summerschool@immedia.co.za

Day 5 which was a Friday my last day of summer school. I did API with Darren, it was really cool. I really had no idea how useful and convenient api’s were, I will definitely be using them more often. I worked with ajax and jquery to search tvmaze api for series and display the picture, summary and episode guide of the series that was typed in on the website.

Summer school was a great experience! Definitely something I would do again.

(Just an update on my DAY2_DAY3 which was android. I was working on an app that uses Flickr api to search for images, I was not able to finish it on the last day but came super close, so I finished it at home. I am still going to expand it to display a list of images instead of just 1 image.)


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