+27 31 566 8000 summerschool@immedia.co.za

I worked primarily on coming up with the campaign concept for a Radio station, using the Fabrik system, to use. It would seem the whole assignment is designed to advance my understanding of the Fabrik system and how a Digital Artisan aids in the betterment of the client’s use of the products they are buying.

I decided to do a campaign centered around spreading the love over Valentine’s day by raising money for the SPCA using a competition. The listeners of the radio station enter by buying Hill’s pet food and taking a selfie with their pet and the food in the shot. This, using the station’s app to send in the photo, will enter the listener into the competition and the money they used to buy the food will go straight to the SPCA.

This would hypothetically be a collaboration with Hill’s themselves, aiding both Hill’s and the radio station in gaining good PR while also giving back to the community. In addition, this would encourage more users to download the radio station’s app.

Once I got the concept down I had to do further research on how logistically the radio station would put together this competition and all its advertising aspects.

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