+27 31 566 8000 summerschool@immedia.co.za

Posts by Muhammad Mustafa Hoosen

Summer School Day 5

Today being the last day here at immedia leaves me deeply saddened. Even though it’s only been five days, I’ve really grown attached to my Summer School peers, the mentors and staff at immedia. There’s just no way to put into...

Summer School Day 4

Another great day has gone by, I think we all know well how time flies when you’re having fun. This morning we used a new way to nominate the next speaker during the daily stand-up. Instead of verbally nominating the next speaker (at random),...

Summer School Day 3

Today was yet another great day at immedia. The highlight of the day was the presentation by the founder of immedia, Anice Hassim, who enlightened us with the history of immedia. It may sound a bit boring to some, but we actually found it really...

Summer School Day 2

Today started off with a stand-up in Team Citadel. This was a great experience as it broadened my mind with regards to how the daily stand-up is conducted in industry. As I’ve stated in my previous blog, I did practice scrum and have had...

Summer School Day 1

All of the mentors are really chilled and down-to-earth, it really makes one look forward to the week ahead at Summer School.
