+27 31 566 8000 summerschool@immedia.co.za

Today I have completed the final pieces of functionality for the admin management website, there are a few minor bugs that need fixing that will be fixed soon.The database connects via the website and mobile versions of the application and will update the database on either platform. Below I have attached a walk through of what happens from within the system:

An admin will first log in and will land on the admin landing page upon successful validation into the system (fig1.1),now they have the option to add, delete, view, search or update records,they can also view the actual site after completion of tasks to make sure that the changes they have made are amended on the live version of the website.As an example below, I have created an insert for an apple product(fig 1.2)that upon successful completion inserts itself into the database from the form (fig1.3).The database is hidden from the admin but for clarity and proof of concept I have included it here.The final product is along with its details are then pushed to the live site(fig 1.4).

Now that all the functionality I have hoped to accomplish is complete the objective of tomorrow will be to work on the responsiveness of the live website, fixing a few bugs and glitches, relevant on the duplicated value in (fig1.4).Furthermore, a lot of styling is still left to be done along with some quality of life fixes that can be implemented.

fig 1.4day4-3fig 1.3 day4-2                                              fig 1.2day4-1 fig1.1day4
