+27 31 566 8000 summerschool@immedia.co.za

Posts by Nadhiren

Last day at immedia

This week has been very informative and i have really learnt a lot. I have not only improved my coding skills, but also learnt soft skills at the office.

First few days at summer school

I have learnt a lot and my mentor, Priyen pointed me in the right direction and showed me a lot of stuff regarding this infrastructure.

Fourth day at immedia

Today we attended a MindShift breakfast, where the CEO of immedia addressed us. It was very informative, influential, and a real eye opener to the world we live in today.

My First 3 days at immedia

I created a simple grid view on android studio to display pictures with captions and made a log in screen, there were a few bugs on the way but manged to solve them. I am currently adding more features and functionality to the app.
