+27 31 566 8000 summerschool@immedia.co.za

The final project is complete and I’m glad to admit that it worked out according to plan. Well almost!

During this week I learned the value of proper planning and time management in order to meet deadlines. It’s always a good idea to save your work every 5 minutes and push the code at least every hour.

I’ve messed up the code a few times but luckily GitHub was constantly updated.  Attached is a picture of an error I experienced while coding this week. I found out during the debug process that there was a problem with the API and this is why one of my features was not working.

Once you click on the png of Voldemort, the feature is supposed to pull a random spell from the API and display it as a modal.

Oliver has taught me how to use Frameworks such as Bootstrap. I am now able to change the font, add sound effects, draw on videos from Youtube, create pop-up modals, and forms with validation and a confirmation pop up. I was able to add a gallery that allows you to scroll through the pictures.

This is a piece of code in JavaScript that pulls data from the API and displays it in a modal. The modal background then changes color according to what Hogwarts house the Sorting hat places you into.


I’d say this was a very productive week as I learned how to use frameworks, code in JavaScript as well as a bit of JQuery. My website lived up to my expectations and I can proudly say that I did most of the work by myself (Oliver had to help me fix a few errors along the way).

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