+27 31 566 8000 summerschool@immedia.co.za

Posts about Agile

09 December 2019

In the early morning of 9th December I had a chance of learning about scrum, a lightweight agile process framework used for managing software development. We were taught by Ronald and Van the experts in software development. It’s good...


I am so excited. We were welcomed by Kelly. We had a session on scrum and agile development. We played a game that showed us about productivity when we work in a team. We initially took 21 seconds to complete the task but had many tries and we...

Day 1 + Day 2

Day 1 was about getting to know your mentors as well as the other summer schoolers. The day started off with an orientation presentation where we were informed on how immediate works on a day to day basis. Once that was done we had a mini-lecture...


Today was all about getting acquainted with the rest of the summer school members along with the mentors and staff at immedia. It has been a great first day which started off with a warm welcoming and an orientation. The orientation basically started off with everybody getting familiar with how things operate at immedia and what the working life is all about.
