+27 31 566 8000 summerschool@immedia.co.za

Days 2 and 3 I spent coding Android, which i can say is really cool, I honestly just feel like learning more.

Kershan was my mentor for these 2 days, he was super chilled and happy to help me out when ever i needed it (Hopefully I did not take up to much of his time).

Android app development is a very new experience for me, I honestly felt a bit lost in the beginning stages, but with help and perseverance I feel like I have an understanding that is good enough to push me forward to learn more on my own time.

The idea I like most behind app development is that a smart phone is a small bundle of just everything that’s cool, such as the camera, GPS, gyroscope and Internet. All these components and features are available for you to use and make something amazing.

Looking forward to tomorrow. :-)

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