+27 31 566 8000 summerschool@immedia.co.za

Day 1

On my first day of Summer School, I was required to conduct research on Wireless Access Points. I covered various aspects such as “What they are?”, “How they functions?” and even set up 3 access points that were later tested for performance on our network.

The devices used were: 3x Ubiquiti WAPs (2x 24V Devices &

How was the testing conducted?

1x 48V Device).

Its important to note that WAPs, more especially (in this case) Ubiquiti WAPs require Power Over Ethernet cables/adapters to function. This meant that I needed to acquire the appropriate voltage adapters for the respected devices (24V & 48V).

Once the adapters were located, it was a simple connection of plugging in the Ethernet cable into the Adapter and then connecting the POE Cable into the other port and connecting this cable directly into the WAP itself.

This now meant that the devices had electricity running through them and were powered on.

I then downloaded the “Advanced IP Scanner” software and used to to scan our network to detect the WAPs and determine their status (Alive/Dead/Not Found).

This software can either be installed on your device or you could run it as a service (I went with this option).

Aside from this, I also learnt alot about the purpose of WAPs and the importance of properly securing them etc.


Steps followed to Conduct Testing of WAPs on Network:

After downloading the application, this is the first screen I was greeted with. Here, you simply select your preferred language and press “OK”.

The next screen asks whether you wish to Install the application or whether you wish to Run the application without full installation. Here I have selected the option to Run the application without installing it.

This screenshot indicates that the application is installing (Preparing to Run).

The screenshot above indicates the options to “Run” a scan and also shows you the IP Address of your device (For the network you’re connected to). In this case, my IP Address is

This screen shows the report generated after clicking “Run”. This report shows you all of the devices that are currently connected to your network. As such, the Ubiquiti AP’s also get picked up. This indicates that they’re running and are able to be configured as needed.

This screen shows us various pieces of information from the device “Status” to their “IP Address” and even their “Manufacturer”.


This screenshot shows the details or summary of a selected device from the generated report. You simply click on the device and the above information is rendered to you for analysis. The device selected in the image above is a WAP by Ubiquiti.




