+27 31 566 8000 summerschool@immedia.co.za

I really enjoyed building a FoodTracker app that Apple Xcode Tutorial takes you so “swiftly” through, the Swift language. Basically an app where You upload food pictures and are able to rate them.

I realised that it takes a lot of will power and eagerness to tackle any language, and to finally be exposed to building an app is really refreshing. Swift is a really clear language that I believe will continue leading then Android… It is not easy but straightforward, I loved that.

My mentor guided me diligently throughout the week and at the same time I got to independently explore app building with Xcode, Swift, which is exactly what I need. I look forward to learning more extensively on my own. I unfortunately couldn’t upload any screenshots from my screen, but basically I got a really good look at App.dev through others and through trying to create my own app on swift. There’s just so much more to learn, Thank You immedia.

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