+27 31 566 8000 summerschool@immedia.co.za

In the morning Immedia hosted a mini-orientation for us, it was a really informative disclosure about the work ethic Scrum. After that we split up into our specified fields we wanted to be exposed to, with an allocated mentor.

I chose APIs as my specified field and received a task accordingly. I downloaded all the necessary software to create my API for my Student Portal. Since I did not have prior knowledge of APIs, I spent most of my time familiarizing myself with the concept and the software. It did take a while but it was exciting when I felt I was one step closer to understanding the whole picture. I like the fact that my mentor gave me the car and let me drive by myself, I could research and figure things out at my own pace and I didn’t feel rushed and overwhelmed by the new content. In addition, I felt comfortable asking her when I did need help.


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