+27 31 566 8000 summerschool@immedia.co.za

Posts by Kevesha

Last Day At Summer School – Immedia

Well I agree that it is quite sad. I have had an amazing day that I didnt even take a break and I just worked through it purely because it is my last day. I spent Time learning android and Thabiso was my teacher I was the first intern he...

9th Day – With Jo’

So its quite sad that I have to leave tomorrow. Today was cool watching the guys fix and debugging. Well quite sad and disheartened that I have to leave but hey I will try my best to work hard to get to have an awesome job like this one. I learnt a...

7th and 8th Day

Sorry for not posting yesterday But I was With geeks and it was so fun but we went out Jarred. He was on his way to see clients and the time just went past before we knew it the day was almost over it was about 15:45. So that was yesterday spending...

6th Day – Design Tribe

Well Today was interesting I was using Photoshop to edit some pictures for the navigation app that i created on the second day but being honest I didn’t enjoy today much only because I dont like design. Duncan was a great teacher but for some...

5th Day – Design Tribe

Hello Well mind the date but this was meant to be posted on friday. So I was with design. It was cool Duncan from the Design Tribe showed me how to do or use mock-ups. Personally I don’t particularly Design but it was ok. I like that being...